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Solar Systems

On and Off Grid Solar Solutions

Harnessing the power from the sun to run your electrical equipment is a fantastic idea. It is no wonder that solar power captures our imagination – no monthly electricity bills, no reliance on a network.  Free energy that doesn’t harm the planet.


Of course, the reality is a little different from that and solar power isn’t suitable for every application or every location.  Yet solar energy is an excellent and practical resource that can be harnessed relatively easily and effectively.


Traditionally, solar electricity has been used in an off-grid environment where it has been a useful way of getting an amount of electricity to a remote location.  In an off-grid system, surplus electricity generation is stored in batteries until it is needed and the system is entirely self-sufficient.


More recently, ‘grid-tie’ systems have become more common, where a house has solar panels fitted to the roof but can draw electricity from both the solar panels and from the power grid.  In a grid-tie system, electricity is sold to the electricity company when the solar array is generating more power than is necessary to run the house and then bought from the electricity company when the solar array is not producing enough power to keep up with demand.  There is no concept of storing surplus energy locally in batteries for use when demand outstrips the ability of the solar array to produce it  (e.g. evenings).


There can be lots of reasons for choosing to install either system and often these include financial savings and/or reducing your environmental impact.  Either case starts with gathering information, careful planning and a thorough site survey.


To help start you with more information about solar electricity or photovoltaics we recommend visiting the following websites:





We would also be happy to visit you to discuss your interest in solar power so please contact us for an obligation free appointment.


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